4 Ways to Completely Uninstall Adobe Photoshop on Mac

автор Лорена Хилл
дата Monday, June 24, 2024

Seeking the ways of removing Adobe Photoshop from your Mac? You are in the right place! This post will introduce you how to completely uninstall Photoshop on Mac, no matter whether you are using the latest Photoshop CC or an older version like Photoshop CS. Without further ado, let’s continue reading to gain more info.

fully uninstall PS Mac | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Part 1. Before Uninstalling Adobe Photoshop

To ensure a smooth uninstallation, here are several preparations you need to make first.

  • Completely quit Adobe Photoshop, meaning all running processes related to Photoshop are ended.
  • Temporarily disable any security software on your Mac.

Part 2. How to Completely Uninstall Adobe Photoshop CC on Mac with Creative Cloud

If you are using Adobe Photoshop CC, it’s available to uninstall Photoshop in Creative Cloud where you install the app. To fully get rid of Photoshop from your Mac, you need to manually delete leftover files after removing the app.

Шаг 1: Launch Creative Cloud on your Mac.

Шаг 2: Выбирать Программы in the upper left corner of the Creative Cloud screen.

Шаг 3: Найдите Photoshop under the Installed section and click the “3-точечный” icon next to Photoshop. Then choose Удалить from the drop-down menu and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the deletion.

uninstall PS CC with Creative Cloud | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Шаг 4: Нажмите Идти > Перейти в папку.

open Go to Folder | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Шаг 5: Input the following path once at a time and press Enter to access the corresponding folder.

access Mac Library | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Next, check if there are leftovers remaining. If there is, simply move them to Trash.

  • ~/Библиотека/Поддержка приложений
  • ~/Библиотека/Настройки
  • ~/Библиотека/LaunchAgents
  • ~/Библиотека/LaunchDaemons
  • ~/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools
  • delete PS leftovers | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Шаг 6: Empty Trash.

Part 3. How to Fully Uninstall Adobe Photoshop CC on Mac without Creative Cloud

С использованием Очиститель Macube is another good option for uninstalling Adobe Photoshop CC. Compared with applying Creative Cloud, it simplifies the uninstallation of Photoshop into 3 steps without the need for manual leftovers removal. Additionally, Macube supports uninstalling all versions of Photoshop, including Elements, CS and CC.

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More Info of Macube Cleaner

  • Safely wipe system junk from your Mac.
  • Easily delete stubborn files and apps on Mac.
  • Fast clear cache images, browsing history and cookies from all Mac browsers in one click.
  • Accurately locate duplicate files for your convenient deletion on Mac.

How to Uninstall Adobe Photoshop with Macube

Шаг 1: Загрузите, установите и запустите Macube Cleaner на своем Mac.

Шаг 2: Нажмите Деинсталлятор from the left feature menu and click Сканировать to find Photoshop.

use Macube Uninstaller feature | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Шаг 3: Выбирать Photoshop from the app list and click Чистый to completely uninstall it.

uninstall PS with Macube | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Part 4. How to Thoroughly Remove Adobe Photoshop CS on Mac

In this part, we will show you 2 ways to uninstall Adobe Photoshop CS without leaving leftovers on Mac. You can choose one based on your needs.

Way 1. Manually Delete Photoshop CS and Its Files

It’s not difficult to completely uninstall Adobe Photoshop CS 6/5/4 on Mac, though the steps are somewhat tedious. You can follow the steps below to get the job done.

Шаг 1: Открыть Искатель и нажмите Приложения в боковой панели.

Шаг 2: Выбирать Утилиты > Adobe Installers. Click the Uninstall Photoshop CS file to launch the uninstaller.

uninstall PS CS via inbuilt uninstaller | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Шаг 3: Проверять Remove Preferences at the bottom of the Uninstaller interface and hit Удалить to proceed. Then, input your admin password to begin uninstalling Photoshop CS.

PS CS uninstaller | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Шаг 4: Follow the step 4-6 in Часть 2 to delete remaining files of uninstalled Photoshop.

Way 2. Use Third-Party Photoshop Uninstaller

When you can’t find the inbuilt Photoshop uninstaller on your Mac or want the easiest way to get entire Photoshop out of your macOS, a third-party tool like Macube Cleaner comes to help. Macube enables you to fully and securely uninstall Photoshop CS as easily as 1-2-3.

uninstall PS CS with Macube | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Fixed: Can't Uninstall Adobe Photoshop on Mac

Sometimes, you may be stopped from uninstalling Adobe Photoshop on your Mac. The following is about the fixes for common issues you will encounter during Photoshop uninstallation.

Fix 1. Update Creative Cloud

If you can’t find the Uninstall option on Creative Cloud, then follow the steps below to update Creative Cloud to the latest on your Mac.

Шаг 1: Open Creative Cloud and click Creative Cloud in the upper pane. Then click Предпочтения.

click Preferences in Creative Cloud | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Шаг 2: Выбирать Общий in the shown window and toggle on Automatically keep Creative Cloud up to date under Settings.

Шаг 3: Ударять Сделанный to save your changes.

update Creative Cloud | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac

Fix 2. Use Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner

Are you required to login Photoshop when uninstalling the free version of the app? You need Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner to proceed with uninstallation at this time. Creative Cloud Cleaner is an advanced tool made by Adobe, working on uninstalling old Photoshop apps and troubleshooting Photoshop. For how to uninstall Photoshop with Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner, please refer to this официальное руководство.

use Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner | Completely Uninstall Photoshop CC/CS on Mac


Regardless of the Adobe Photoshop version you want to entirely remove from your Mac, you can get the ways from this post. To completely uninstall Photoshop CC/CS/Elements on your Mac, Очиститель Macube is always recommended due to its secure and easy uninstaller feature.